NCRP M.A. (Online)


谈判,冲突解决文学硕士学位 & Peacebuilding (Online)

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智能最佳在线硕士NCM学位课程The online Master's Degree program in Negotiation, 加州大学冲突解决与和平建设, 多明格斯山向参与者传授宝贵的冲突解决和冲突管理技能和知识,这些技能和知识可以直接应用于警察工作, counseling, education, human resources management, labor relations, litigation, business negotiations, supervision and administration. 联邦劳工统计局(Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,仲裁案件将增加9%, mediation, conciliation jobs between 2014 and 2024.

其他职业申请包括替代性争议解决(ADR), mediation, negotiation, arbitration, public policy, social work, teaching, inter-cultural and community conflicts, corporate contract and purchasing.

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Student Testimonials & Accomplishments

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"I got my degree in 2002 & 今天我对这一成就和当时一样兴奋。” —Seth Glassman

Negotiation, 冲突解决与和平建设专业毕业生迈克·布加森正在中非为和平工作


What You Will Learn

Woman arbitrator speaking with a clientParticipants will improve their computer, listening, speaking, writing, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 这是一个36个学期的研究生课程,可以在两年内完成 without coming to the CSU Dominguez Hills campus. Courses run 12 weeks each term. 学生可以选择完成论文或投资组合作为最终事件.

这个项目包括对实用技能的全面研究, methods, theory, and research needed to be an effective mediator, negotiator and conflict manager. 该学位满足了政府中职业生涯初期和中期专业人员的许多需求, business, and non-profit organizations, and those interested in a career change.

Online NCRP Courses

这个学位可以由世界上任何地方的任何人通过互联网完成,而不需要来到校园. 课程是异步的(根据学生的方便在线或离线完成任务), with on demand video lectures for students to view.

其他功能包括学生和教师的主页, chat and discussion rooms, electronic submission and return of papers, and individual, secure, access to personal course records at all times. 学生可以在两年内完成课程,也可以有长达五年的时间来完成课程. Students must also be in continuous enrollment.

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How NCRP Classes Work ►

Frequently Asked Questions ►

澳门十大赌场注册平台根据国家授权信息,为其在线和远程学习学生提供以下信息 & Consumer Complaints federal Title IV regulation. Federal law [Section668.43(b)]要求所有机构必须向所有学生或准学生披露学生居住的所有州的投诉机构. If a student has a complaint or concern, 有关如何联系国家机构和登记投诉的信息, can be found at the following website:

Information & Registration

Have questions about the program? Call 310-243-2075, email, or use our LiveChat ↘ 问问题或留下正规澳门平台十大赌博这个节目的详细信息.


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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

这个项目的学生是由什么组成的? Do you find more mid or early career students?

We have a broad range of students in the program. 有些学生刚从本科毕业, many are mid-career and active in their field, 我们甚至有学生积极寻求在以后的生活中改变职业, really to pursue a completely different career path.

How much does the program cost?

我们的硕士项目的费用是每学分321美元,它是一个36学分的项目. 加上书籍和其他费用,总费用约为11500美元.

As for the post-master certificate program, the unit cost is the same, $321 per credit unit; that program is 18 units, so the cost will be at just below $6,000 plus books and fees.


Please see our Financial Aid Resources information.

What is the average time to complete the program?



Yes, we do have specific arbitration courses. Please view the course listing for more information.

I am interested in a position in foreign service. Would this program be useful to me?

是的,我们有一位前大使史蒂文·罗兹,他在这个项目中授课. 你也可以通过和你的导师谈谈你的课程来调整你对课程的兴趣.

What is the post-master degree? 那些完成硕士研究生证书的人有什么样的职业机会?

回国攻读硕士后证书的人希望在某一特定领域磨练自己的知识和技能. 他们也会在那个特定领域获得更多的专业联系.

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Admissions Questions

I have exactly 2.99 GPA in my Bachelors. Am I able to get in?

If we do not meet the 3.0 minimum GPA, 是否根据经验有条件进入有单独的程序, for someone who has been in the field for 10+ years?

For those who fall below the minimum 3.0 requirement, please go ahead and still apply. There is a conditional admission process, 因此,如果学生有其他可能使他们有资格参加该计划的特征,他们可以被录取. If you are close on some of the requirements, 我们鼓励你申请并写一篇强有力的传记文章. If you do not meet the minimum GPA requirement, 写一篇强有力的传记文章,让那些为你写推荐信的人准备好,让他们击中你的观点,以及你在这个项目中取得成功的能力,因为这些信息也被用来决定你是否准备好了,是否有可能在这个项目中取得成功.

在申请这个项目之前,你也可以选修一到两门课程, 既能证明你有能力完成工作,又能提高你的GPA.

I earned my bachelor’s degree in another country and I want to apply to the program; what documents are required?

In addition to the documents required for the program, 国际学生需要下列所有文件:




The biographical essay has a 500 word minimum.


Yes, letters of recommendation are required. 你的3封推荐信应该是教育专业推荐信,而不是个人推荐信. 这些信件最好是原件,并有抬头.

For more information, visit:

我需要提交我的学士学位信息还是我的硕士学位信息, if I already have a Master’s degree?"




Admissions Office
California State University, Dominguez Hills
1000 E. Victoria Street
Carson, CA 90747


Yes. Contact the program coordinator for more information.

Do people in law enforcement pursue this degree?

Yes, the degree began as a program for law enforcement, 这个领域的很多人都用它来提升自己.

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Program Questions

我每周需要花多少时间在这个项目上? 学生如何与老师和其他学生、办公时间等互动.? What does a typical class experience look like?

Although this is an asynchronous program, 个别教师可以使用标准的网络会议工具,如Zoom和微软团队,让所有学生体验类似于我们许多公共服务(法庭)的实际同步环境, arbitration services, etc.) do. 我们还使用了校园学习管理系统的讨论板和讲座录音.

学生们享受在网络环境中使用小组和角色扮演的机会,以充分钻研现实世界的指导, goals, and outcomes in the negotiation process, which provides an optimal learning experience.

通常有多少比例的申请人被硕士课程录取, and what is the ratio of faculty to students?

我们目前的师生比例是18:1, 哪种方法易于管理,并有助于保持较高的沟通质量.


We recommend a maximum of two courses per term; a graduate program feels “heavier” than an undergrad program and requires more work, but on average, 每节课你每周至少要花一个晚上的时间, and more depending on the student. Writing is a featured component of the coursework, as well as assigned reading; it’s really about your own time management, plus the nature of the particular course, 因此,学生可以按学期来考虑课程作业, 和其他同学交谈,以最好地评估你的课程负担和项目所需的时间.




我们的一些学生全身心地投入到研究中,并在行业期刊上发表论文——这是我们高度鼓励的, peer-reviewed journals, professional and academic journals, and book authoring. 我们特别建议有意进入社区大学教学领域的学生发表论文, 甚至为那些想要发展并以教授和教师的身份回馈社会的人提供股权资助.


There is an informal mentoring program. Through your work with instructors on projects, 您将了解该领域以及如何进入该领域并在该领域取得进展. 这些指导员还可以帮助你在特定领域建立网络. Alumni are also available for connection.

你是否需要在当前的职位上能够在参加项目时应用这些技能? 或者,教师是否会在需要的时候帮助建立与实践机会的联系?

No, you do not need to be in a position to start with. 你可以利用你与我们的教师和校友以及同学建立的联系来帮助你获得一个你想要的职位,在那里你可以使用这些技能.

Do you have a connection with a JD program?

是的,我们与西南大学法学院有联系. 我们还与一些大学签订了非正式协议. 请正规澳门平台十大赌博的项目协调员了解更多信息.

Are there internship programs?

We have had internship opportunities in Hawaii, Canada, Alaska, and other locations all around the world; for example, 我们有人在阿拉斯加的不同环境中与土著人民一起工作. 请联系项目教师协助谈判或赞助的机会.

Do you have any joint programs with a JD?

We do have a joint program with South Western University’s law school program which connects our master’s program with their JD program; we also have informal agreements with a number of universities, such as: the University of Hawaii Richardson School of Law; the University of Las Vegas Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution, the University of Missouri, Salisbury University, Simon Fraser University, and others. 请正规澳门平台十大赌博的项目协调员了解更多信息.

我对外交政策/国际关系与发展方向非常感兴趣. 在课程和课堂中有什么国际研究/案例研究的机会?

Former Zimbabwean Ambassador, 史蒂文·罗兹教授从他的使馆经历和主题专家中带来了实践知识.

仲裁涵盖国际和集体谈判的主题领域,以及:学生应考虑与教师合作,制定课程和论文内容,包括国际方面. 我们鼓励学生提交的期末论文在学术和专业方面为他们所追求的职业生涯做好准备.

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