

This information is intended to assist vendors and contractors interested in doing business with 基督教社会联盟DH through the Office of 采购及合约. 如欲了解更多有关基督教社会联盟DH的资料,请浏览我们的网站 http://bfdhrr.astriddining.net.


Thank you for your interest in becoming a prospective vendor for the 加州州立大学,多明格斯山. 


基督教社会联盟DH利用Cal eprocurement门户网站(http://caleprocure.ca.Administration), 基督教社会联盟BUY 公布正式投标机会.

供应商 interested in receiving bid notifications shall access the 卡尔eProcure Portal and click on “Log In/Register”. 点击“注册为采购投标人”,完成注册步骤. 如果收到正规澳门平台十大赌博重复TIN的错误消息, 请致电(855)421-6355或电子邮件联系FI$Cal门户支持 vendors@fiscal.ca.政府. To view a list of current 基督教社会联盟DH bids select "Quicklinks" in the menu bar and click “View/搜索 Bids”. 在加利福尼亚州合同登记搜索页面, 在Department字段中输入6690,然后单击搜索按钮.

基督教社会联盟BUY是基于Jaggaer平台的基督教社会联盟集成源到合同解决方案. 基督教社会联盟公开招标门户网站提供了一个公开招标清单, 关闭, and awarded formal solicitations for goods and services across the twenty-three campuses of the 基督教社会联盟 and the 基督教社会联盟 Office of the Chancellor (since 10/19/2020). In order to submit a response to an open solicitation on 基督教社会联盟BUY your business must be registered with the 基督教社会联盟. 要注册新帐户或访问现有帐户,请单击 在这里. 注册是不收费的. 对于您的注册未解决的问题,您可以联系 csubuy@calstate.edu. 对于基督教社会联盟DH征集,请选择校园下的下拉菜单,并选择“基督教社会联盟 Dominguez山”。.

The 采购 Team will review your information and contact you if t在这里 is interest or need in the good or service you provide. Completing the vendor profile information in advance it will assist us in identifying qualified prospective vendors and you may be contacted to participate in future 基督教社会联盟DH events. 您不需要采取额外的行动.

如果您有任何疑问,请致电310-243-3799或发送电子邮件 procurement@astriddining.net.









供应商 physically working on campus are required to provide proof of commercial general liability, auto and worker’s compensation insurance with endorsements naming 加州州立大学,多明格斯山 as additionally insured. 工程、建筑等专业服务及咨询服务. 必须提供职业责任保险证明吗. All insurance certificates and endorsements must be on file prior to any work beginning on campus.



The current goal for all contracts (3) percent Disabled Veteran Business (DVBE) participation. For a complete set of the DVBE requirements see the section Disabled Veteran Business (DVBE) Enterprise at 卡尔eProcure.


The State of California requires agencies to provide a five percent (5%) preference to Proposers or Proposers who qualify as either California certified small businesses or non-small businesses that commit 25% of the contract value to California certified small businesses. 要符合资格, 小企业必须通过小企业和DVBE服务办公室的认证. 本法的规章制度, 包括定义小企业为其提供的服务, 都包含在标题2中吗, 加州政府法规, 第14838节, 节. 以及《正规澳门平台十大赌博》第2卷第1896节等. 守则和条例的副本可在网上或应要求获得.

如申请小型企业优惠, please complete the Proposer’s Declaration Form and indicate the total 小型企业 participation when bidding on projects.


基督教社会联盟DH将需要 204供应商数据记录表 在付款之前.

提交表格须知( 电子邮件)

  1. 将PDF格式保存到您的计算机
  2. 填写表格并签字
  3. 再次保存
  4. 上传完成 & 签名表单到表单上提供的链接.

注意: 联邦表格W-9不能代替供应商数据记录.


State regulations and 基督教社会联盟 policy require the purchase of goods and/or services be approved by the appropriate delegated authority, 什么是基督教社会联盟DH的采购和合同部门. Purchases for goods and/or services without written delegated authority or without an authorized Purchase Order or contract in place is considered to be an “unauthorized purchase.” 

The 采购及合约 Office is the only office authorized to issue Purchase Orders for goods and/or services. 供应商 must ensure that a fully executed Purchase Order is received prior to providing goods and/or services. Any orders placed directly with a vendor are not valid obligations of the University if they are placed outside the authorized procurement methods (purchase requisition, 采购卡, 及直接支付).

供应商 are 在这里by notified that fulfillment of an Unauthorized Purchase places the vendor at risk for non-payment or payment delay and/or approval unless and until the purchase has been fully approved.

Unauthorized procurement of goods and/or services can be considered a personal obligation of the individual making the purchase and not an obligation of the University.




我们学生的健康和安全, 工作人员, 教师和他们的家庭对我校至关重要. 根据联邦法律, 州和地方指导, 这所大学已经采取措施减少校园内的人数, vendors and contractors delivering goods and performing work on campus shall ad在这里 to the following guidelines:

  1. All vendors and contractors working on campus or other University property must comply with the California Department of Industrial Relations’ (Cal/OSHA) COVID-19 紧急临时 标准. 供应商和承包商也必须遵守 685号议会法案 加州劳动法第6325条的修正案, 6和6432的生效日期,其中注明. 另外, vendors and contractors must comply with current LA County Public 健康 orders for face covering.
  2. All vendors and contractors are expected to comply with the guidelines established by existing County of Los Angeles Department of Public 健康 Safety Order, 疾病控制和预防中心(CDC), http: //ww疾病预防控制中心.政府 /冠状病毒/ 2019 - ncov /索引.超文本标记语言, 以预防和控制COVID-19的传播.


  1. 100% 面罩要求 有效的教室和医疗中心的位置,所有的工人不管
    疫苗接种状况或筛查方法. 确保所有供应商和承包商员工始终穿戴适当的个人防护装备
    在这些领域工作时. 从2022年1月17日起,县公共卫生命令要求雇主提供
    并要求员工佩戴合适的医用级口罩, 医用外科口罩, 或更高级别的呼吸器,如N95
    佩戴过滤式口罩或KN95口罩. 不允许使用布面罩. 基督教社会联盟DH将要求遵守
    在任何校园工地工作时都要遵守这些卫生命令. (Cal/OSHA) COVID-19紧急临时标准
    最近转向与加州公共卫生部(CDPH)保持一致的掩盖政策, 请浏览本局网页
    最新指引 在这里.
  2. 供应商 performing work on campus shall observe the following CDC recommendations for personal hygiene, 包括以下内容:
    1. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 If soap and water aren’t available use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
    2. 避免用未洗过的东西接触眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴
    3. 用纸巾捂住咳嗽或打喷嚏,然后把它扔进垃圾桶.
    4. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or
    5. 如果你生病了,呆在家里,尽量避免与他人接触
  3. 供应商 may perform work only with the explicit approval from the Office of 采购及合约 or authorized
  4. 供应商 shall ensure that a fully executed agreement is received prior to arriving on site to perform
  5. 授权在基督教社会联盟DH执行工作的供应商和承包商, 这需要使用校园设施, 应与项目经理或指定联系人合作, 如合同所述, 协调工作并获得使用设施的权利. 如果指定的基督教社会联盟DH联系人无法提供与供应商或承包商的接触, 校园工作人员应在周一至周五与工作控制联系, 上午8点至下午5点,电话:310-243-3587或3804, 或电子邮件 workcontrol@astriddining.net, 如果工作在下班后进行,工作控制人员将协助, 供应商或承包商应与校园工作人员合作,联系校园警察进入.
  6. 供应商和承包商应提供个人防护装备(PPE), 比如手套, 护目镜, 面部覆盖物应适合工作
  7. If any of the vendor or contractor employees feels ill or has symptoms such as those enumerated by the CDC, 他们要通知他们的主管, 联系他们的医疗保健提供者, 不要去工地或者

建设 网站

Contractors and subcontractors for all 基督教社会联盟 建设 and major Operations and Maintenance projects shall ad在这里 to the 基督教社会联盟 Safety Protocols COVID-19 Plan, 根据附录A, 和COVID-19公告更新, No. 21-001、21-002和21-003 (详见附录B), 哪些需要符合最新的Cal/OSHA建筑指南, 当地公共卫生机构的要求, 最佳行业实践, 以及一些csu特定的健康和安全规定. 承包商和分包商应负责访问基督教社会联盟校长办公室 CPDC公告 页面以获取COVID-19指南的进一步更新.

Refer regularly to the 采购及合约 webpage for latest updates and information applicable to vendors and contractors.



Refer regularly to the 采购及合约 webpage for latest updates and information applicable to vendors and contractors.

最新政策修订日期: 2022年5月3日
政策的所有者: 采购和合同,行政司 & 金融